What’s the scariest thing that ever happened to you?

I don't believe in ghosts or aliens or anything, but I've had a few experiences I can't explain that really creeped me out.

I grew up in a somewhat rural area. There was an old cemetery (the newest tombstones were 1850s) out in the middle of nowhere off a tiny road in a heavily wooded area. There were two entrances off the road with gates and a U shaped path through the cemetery. The local ghost story was that if you closed one gate and opened the other, then drove your car to the far back point and flashed your headlights a few times, the gates would switch positions. So one night I'm out with a couple friends and we're cruising around aimlessly when we passed the cemetery and decided to give it a go. We drive to the back, flash the lights and pull up to the front and of course nothing happened. So my friend backs up and we do it again, and a second time when the car points towards the gate we can see nothing moved.

Another guy leans out the car window and yells "Come on you f*cking spooks! Let's see what you can do!" The instant he finished yelling the car died. Completely. It's a new moon and pitch black out. We pop the hood and we're trying to figure out what is wrong using a couple cigarette lighters to see. He keeps trying the ignition and every few turns the engine will crank but it won't fire. Then we realize we can hear something.

From what sounds to be off a distance in the woods we can hear what sounds to be a group of people loudly arguing or something. We couldn't make out any specific words, more just a "rabble rabble" type sound you'd hear of a crowd. We still can't find anything wrong with the car as the sound is slowly getting louder and closer.

Within a few minutes it sounds like whatever or whoever is making all the ruckus is close enough it's surely going to come out of the woods into the cemetery about 60 feet away from us. My buddy that yelled the first time screams again "I'm sorry!" The engine roared to life. We hauled ass into the car, floored it to the gate, I jumped out and opened it as quickly as possible and jumped back in. The tires were spinning again before I got the door shut.

We rode back to town in silence, and when we got back to our cars we all decided that we wouldn't ever tell anyone about it because we didn't want them to think we were crazy.

/r/CasualConversation Thread