What was the scariest non paranormal thing to ever happen to you?

This is literally my first memory that I have it was so terrifying.

When I was just a weeee lad, probably around 4 years old or so, I was in bed for the night but not asleep yet.

So the preface, above my bed as a little sort decorative sun/hat thing with a face on it and it always gave me the creeps. Well that night, right as I was falling asleep I heard a faint wail.

I'm 26 now and I remember the next part so vividly.

The hat thing started shaking, and slowly started moving up the wall. At this point the walls of my room, which were a generic white color, became red and white stripped and the wailing from the hat got louder as it moved onto the ceiling, across the room onto the other wall, then to the floor, under my bed, and then right back to where it started and the walls then went back to normal.

I got right the fuck out of bed and went to my parents room and slept with them that night.

It was probably a dream, but I never went to sleep before it happened and it is literally my earliest memory as a child that I can recall.

/r/AskReddit Thread