What screams “ I was emotional abused as a child”?

Yeah, the hyper vigilance and hatred of some stims is because of them. Fear of abandonment and attachment disorders fears of commitment and inability to function or make fiscal expensive decisions is more cptsd than autistic. There are for sure attributes of both that overlap. Adhd was diagnosed as a kid. Whether there was ever any adhd isn't disputed my father is adhd prob autistic too lmao my cousin is full send autistic too (fathers side his brothers kid) so it is genetically likely to be innate without trauma.

I do not have good health care access. The people I see are bigots are don't want to talk to me, or alternatively only want to concentrate and return to my queer and transgender thoughts, which six years ago mattered more before I was stable and transitioned.

My life is a disaster. I'm still stuck with my abusers. I never figured out how to keep a job. I'm completely fucked.

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