What is something that you cannot understand, no matter how open minded you try to be?

I've never done drugs (except pot, which is legal where I live, alcohol, and caffeine). I'll give it a whirl here. Literally nothing can be understood until you do it - bungee jumping, doing opiates, having kids, breaking a bone. We're limited in our time here on Earth and no one gets to do ALL the things. Drugs, for me, just never lined up where I had motive, means, opportunity.

I'm now 35 and wouldn't even know where to get them if I tried. I was never curious enough to actively seek them out, and, coupled with being a studious goody-two-shoes, it just never worked out for me. I do believe that it maybe would have added something to my perspective, but so what? People told me that about having kids or having a wedding, too. I also think there is a "peak" where, if you don't try them by then, you won't - and that seems to be around 25 or so, IME.

Mostly, though, it's just a personality thing for me. I am content with my consciousness and fairly uptight - the idea of altering that reality which I'm satisfied with, or losing control, is not appealing

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