What is something most think is real but is really fake?

But which is it? I've been told with 100% certainty that I am crazy and need help.

I've been told that 100% certainty I'm remembering wrong.

I've been told that 100% certainty that it's mass hysteria.

The point I'm trying to make is that I don't know and you all don't know either. That's the point.

Moroever, you seem to be under the impression that ghosts are a new phenomenon.

That's the most laughable part of your entire response. You are so far up your ass on what you think I said that you didn't even respond to what I am actually saying.

Please go back and show me where I said that ghosts were a "new" phenomenon. Please. I would love to see where I said that, let alone even hinted that was the case.

SPOILER ALERT: you won't find it.

Beautiful. Your reading comprehension skills are shit. Just utter shit. I don't know whether to laugh for feel sorry for you.

I'm not going to agree with you and I'm certainly not going to waste more time discussing things that were not said.

Good luck with all that.

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