What is your most paranormal experience?

We had some weird stuff happen in a house we lived in when I was in high school. The weirdest was being woken to the sound of what I thought was my then toddler sister in my room going through my stuff. I sat up and said, "what are you doing in here?" But my room was empty. I figured it was a dream, so I laid back trying to wake up, when all of the sudden I felt like something rushed up in my face. I could feel my breath hitting it, so I did the logical thing and pulled my covers over my head. I then saw a portion of the cover being grabbed and then tugged on. It wasn't tugging to yank it off of me, but in an almost playful way. I tried to scream but no sound would come out. After what felt like forever, I was finally able to scream for my mom. When she opened the door, I almost knocked her over trying to get out of there. I was trying to explain to her what had happened while she's standing there looking at me like I'm on drugs, and when I finally told her, she didn't know what to say. I asked her if she believed me, and her reply has always been to this day, "I believe you believe."

I don't know if it really did happen, though. A few years ago my husband was telling me about his night terror experiences, and we watched a documentary on it. It seems like that's a logical explanation for what happened to me, but it felt so real.

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