What is your take on Christianity?

According to Christianity, whether or not a person accepts Jesus as their savior before they die is the determining factor for whether that person will end up in Heaven or in Hell. But there could be an individual who murdered a million people throughout their life, and as long as they just accept Jesus as their savior before they die, they will end up in Heaven instead of Hell (and this could easily be used as an excuse to do evil). Meanwhile, there could be another individual who saved a million people throughout their life, but if they don’t accept Jesus as their savior, they will burn forever in Hell, regardless of how much that individual sought to do good. Now would it be fair for the villain to enter Heaven simply because they accept Jesus as their savior, while the hero must burn forever in Hell for not accepting Jesus as their savior, although they were the one who had the will to do good? Of course not! So instead of rewarding and punishing people based on who seeks God, why not reward and punish people based on who seeks to do good?

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