What is your take on the origin of Covid ?

I know this may provoke some, but I believe it's an engineered virus that was released with the purpose of restricting immigration flows without panicking the public about the onset of abrupt climate change.

Initially, I wasn't so sure. But as time has gone on, especially seeing the abrupt climate changes over the last 6-9 months, and the political shenanigans that have played out behind the scenes as it relates to the origins of the virus—I have more confidence in stating this publicly.

The inception for this belief began in the summer of 2019 after a Presidential primary debate about climate change was canceled, and I wrote about it here in r/collapse:

This raises the alarm for me. Granted, you could go down a list of possible reasons as to why this is happening related to money in politics and influence peddling, but this is outright issue suppression of something that many of the major frontrunners have expressed dramatic concern over. I think it's possible that the situation is even worse than many here would suspect. Or at least the situation as it relates to the national security response. Honestly, this stinks of not wanting to panic the public.

Anecdotal as it may be, there were hearings in the house this week related to Climate Change and National Security. So the party has decided to cancel the debate within days of this. All of the information in the hearing was intended to be non-classified. Although at some point, a member of the National Intelligence Council (NIC), makes what may be a telling slip in his testimony here.  Accidentally stating that the risks of abrupt climate change will increase over the next year instead of over the next decade and future thereafter.


After this, I wrote a post entitled The stampede anxiety of the elites—clampdown on information related to collapse and climate change. Which was about how I thought things might play out if abrupt climate change was upon us. And all this was about 6-7 months before the first cases have been identified.

Down vote me if your offended or disagree. It really doesn't much matter at this point. I believe this situation will only become clear as things begin to worsen dramatically in the climate over the next year, and people will not be able to migrate, and censorship over media and the internet drastically increases.

I know people are not going to want to believe this. I know I don't, but I think I would be lying to myself otherwise. Which is something I often find difficult to do. So all I can say to those that may be shocked, or angry with disbelief—I'm sorry. I thought there was more time too. Although, I could very well be wrong after all. Nobody knows nothing as the saying goes—if that provides anyone with any comfort.

Note: I likely won't reply to any responses to this comment. I know very well this is a contentious issue. If I'm wrong—well then, maybe that's a good thing. 

/r/collapse Thread