What is your "there are two kinds of people in this world, ____ and ____"?

Hardly revolutionary

I'm not sure we're even talking about the same concept here. It's not surprising you don't see anything revolutionary - freethinking is not a revolutionary concept, it has existed literally for millennia.

So you believe that your beliefs are based on reasoning? Truly you stand out from the crowd /s

*shrug* It doesn't seem to me that many other people reason on what they believe. Some do, but for most believing something seems to be the entire motivation they need to continue believing.

blah blah blah rant rant rant

Look, I'll spell it out for you then I don't think I'll be answering you anymore, because you don't seem to want to listen:

You're not a friend, you're not an acquaintance, you're nobody but a username who seems to have gotten it in his head to argue against me because he seems to have a beef with people who call themselves freethinkers and/or who believe to be different than the crowd (possibly because you feel you are a real freethinker and I'm just the pretentious hipster version? I dunno, I'm just guessing).

To sum it up, your opinion doesn't matter to me. If you think that I'm a pretentious teenager, feel free (honestly, I fucking wish you were right - being a teenager would be awesome with the mindset I have now). It won't stop me thinking I'm a freethinker. Please stop being that dude who'd argue the colour of the sun just to argue about something.

Also, XKCD - much as I love it - is not the guardian of truth, and quoting something in which Randall has a different opinion than the person you're arguing against - for reasons best known to yourself - is not an instant "I win" button.

And look, I can post funnies too!

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