What's the worst guild drama you have seen, how were you involved?

Back during vanilla, a lot of my RL friends were playing, so we set up a guild so we could have a place to chat and an have an easy way to group up and level together. Things were great. We had a lot of times that some of us still talk about to this day.

Then we hit 60. Our GL hadn't ever had the chance to do endgame progression, so he got it in his mind that in WoW, he was going to pursue that. He figured that the way to do this was to merge with a currently raiding guild, and we'd progress along with them.

Except he never talked to anyone about it. He just sort of logged in one day and said, "Oh, and by the way, we're merging with this guild next week." Obviously, a number of people were surprised by this, and the majority of the guild, all real life friends, told him that they weren't really interested in that and if it was all the same to him, they'd prefer to just keep things as they are. If he felt that he wanted to go raid, that was fine. We just didn't want to at that point.

Instead of being an adult about it and actually talking to us about it, the GL flipped out. It was the brand of drooling, babbling insanity of a rage fest I had come to expect on the Internet, except that I actually knew this guy. Saw him pretty regularly. I felt embarrassed for him.

His GF was in the guild, and she got stuck in the middle. She agreed with all the shit we were talking about, but felt obligated to support her BF... Probably because there was a point where he told her that if she didn't support him, he was going to dump her and kick her out of their house they lived in.

This was the point where I shook my head, and told him, "Okay, I'm done. I don't enjoy playing with children" in Vent, and quit the guild. After that, he slipped a gear or something and went nuts trying to transfer guild ownership to an alt so he could go into this new guild without us. One former member described it as "just sad".

As it turns out, with a bunch of us now having no guild, we got to talking to this other guild and found out that they were kind of cool people. After they apologized for maybe being the catalyst for the freak out, they offered us all spots. Some of us took them... To raid with our former GL, who had also joined the guild.

That was where I ended up getting the bulk of my raiding experience... The whole time having to put up with our former GL's passive aggressive snark until he got kicked out for talking trash about this guild's leader. Fun times...

Months later, after he was gone, another RL friend from the old guild ended up getting into a relationship with one of the guild officers... Which is fine, I guess, except her husband found out, and that caused a huge explosion of drama amongst the people I knew.

It was shortly after that when I quit playing the game for a while... Thinking that it was the game's fault, and not that a number of my friends were just assholes.

/r/wow Thread