What's the worst physical pain you have ever had?

My internal stent removal.

It was a procedure I wasent prepared for at all. I had severe pain for about six month so I was scheduled a ultrasound. The stone was 2.8cm(I weigh 120 ibs) So it was pretty massive. After surgery to remove the internal stent was placed and I was to take it easy until it was removed. Pissing was like fire and it felt like I was shived if I walked more than a couple minutes. Fast forward a month I had to remove it. For those who don't know a external stent can be removed by a string attached to it sorta like a medieval tampon. Internal stents however cannot be removed by yourself instead a garden hose like thing stuck up your shaft and it pulls it out.

Its done with no anesthesia, no medication, its supposed to suck but its supposed to be quick( about 5 min) but mine wasent.

The doctor (tbh thats being generous) wasn't experienced in this(we'll call him steve. I was expecting my previous surgeon but he was nowhere to be found. To put it simply he kept letting go while he was removing it until it got stuck. The 2 nurses in the room must've felt bad because when he kept screwing up they tried their best to comfort me and to suggest they find a more experienced doctor to take over. The little shit must've took offense to that suggestion because he just dropped everything and walked out. Keep in mind what should've took 5 min was now taking 30. I was exhausted by the time the other dr arrived the one I was expecting. I was so angry at the time I kinda was asking him about why a idiot was put in charge of removing my stent and he kinda just brushed it off and said hes there now so everything should be fine.

It wasn't

During Steves atrempts to remove it he actually managed to get it stuck. When I heard this I was livid. He took the garden hose out and scheduled me immediate surgury to remove it. 8 hours later they did and I was awoken to the wonderful sight of having another stent. All because off steve.

Fuck you steve.

Sorry if this is poorly written as Im very tired right now

/r/AskReddit Thread