When do I get my life back?

Now, honestly. Maybe not the sleep through the night thing depending on the size of your pup and all, but showering for more than 2 minutes? Enjoying a book on the couch? A puppy doesn't need to mess that up too much.

Showering just do whatever you do when you leave the house, crating or locking them in a room or whatever. It's good for them to learn to be alone, even at 9 weeks.

Reading a book, there may be a little more distraction, but what I do is just keep my focus mostly on the book and low key address the pup as needed. Not a full relaxing experience but pretty decent, even when they're up and about.

Don't let them take over your life completely, and I say this as someone whose life is basically devoted to dogs. But that's because I like that. My puppies still don't take over my life, biggest change in my routine is sometimes I have to get up in the night to let them out since they can't hold it all night, and I feed them more often than my adults. It's fine, you don't have to pay attention to them 24/7 as long as they're in a safe place.

/r/puppy101 Thread