Where would you draw the lines of a beginner anime watcher to an expert and the 'classes' in between?

There is but /one/ line separating two groups. Those who understand that JoJo is the best thing ever, and people who are lying to themseles. /s

But really, there doesn't need to be any lines. Odds are, anyone who gets into anime for the first time will start with some of the most popular titles. Some are bad, but outrageously popular, and some are true classics that earned their spot. As newbies see what's recommended, they acquire tastes and search for other things that may refine those tastes.

I started with Pokemon, technically, but I first really got into anime with DBZ. I though that this shounen stuff was pretty darn neat so I checked out Naruto. It was pretty dope at the time, but I was shown the glory that is FMA and FMA:B. After exploring shounen stuff I looked for stuff aimed at older audiences. As far as I'm concerned, there's no difference between someone who started with Naruto, and someone who started with Ghost in the Shell. As long as both parties agree that the other needs to watch LotGH, they both win.

/r/anime Thread