"White History Month" sign stirs up New Jersey borough

"Was it racial to the slave sellers, Africans? Was it racial for the same boats that carried those African slaves also carried white Irish slaves? It wasn't racial, that is just a politically correct meme to keep the extortion going."

In a lot of instances, yes, it was racial for the Africans in a way, because the slaves sold were often captives of other nations. Africans did not perceive themselves to all be the same race. I'm also not sure how the seller's reasoning is relevant to the nature of slavery in the Americas, where they had no influence after sale. Most slaves in the history of the US were native-born. The Irish slaves thing is bad history, the only thing I will say on that is that for the entirety of the United States existence, it was not legal to own an Irish person or other white person as a slave. The same was not true about black people. It's not "political correctness" to point out the relevance of race in American slavery, it's basic history.

"About the ancient slave trade, you are correct. About the American slave trade, you are completely incorrect. It has everything to do with it."

This is completely nonsensical. I was making a comparison between ancient slavery and American slavery, in response to someone who was comparing them. Bringing up something completely unrelated to ancient slavery changes the debate to something completely different.

"If you are talking about the way it has transformed into a political ideology of extortion, I think we are on the same page here. If not, see the aforementioned point about all the money, time and resources the west have put in to give them an advanced standing among others, which is clearly still not enough after 150 years."

You are a complete ignoramus if you think the "money, time and resources" devoted to resolving problems in the black community in the US since 1865 is not drastically outweighed by all the things done to keep that community down.

"Sure they did. Everyone was treated like shit. The Indians, the Irish, The Chinese, the Italians, the Portuguese. Everyone - it is just one group is still bitching."

If you think that every group that had it bad at one point had it equally bad, you are not very knowledgeable. Plenty of other groups have pride too. I've never seen anyone complain about Irish or Italian people having pride in their heritage (one exception is I've seen some Irish people on Reddit take exception to Americans who they see as not being authentic in honoring their heritage). And since when are black people the only ones bitching? This is especially hilarious considering how much you've been bitching in this entire thread. It's really funny how often the people who complain about minorities having victim complexes often have massive victim complexes themselves and make straight white men out to be oppressed victims of societal discrimination.

"Yepp, it is about political extortion and trying to instill white guilt for something no one was around for and thus culpable for. Also, I am sure it is also for Al Sharptons retirement plan, and a manner to keep democrats getting elected."

There are certainly loathsome people on the left (like Sharpton) who use race the way you describe, but that is not at all what the average black person is talking about when celebrating black pride or black history. It goes well beyond political advocacy. White conservatives talk about Al Sharpton 1000x more than black people talk about him.

"I think it is exactly 150 trips of the earth around the sun. Which is much longer than any humans life."

A human lifespan isn't the limit on how long something can have an effect on society. Especially considering that those first 100 years involved widespeard official de jure discrimination, not to mention all the unofficial or de facto discrimination that has occurred since 1865.

"Easy, if you were worried or concerned about slavery then you would be worried or concerned about the places it is still happening. You aren't, you aren't I assume, because it doesn't give a political advantage."

Who said I wasn't worried or concerned about it? I'm asked that question because your point is a total non sequitir. We are talking about a completely different topic, and then you brought up something totally unrelated and then constructed straw man arguments based on things I never said in order to "win" the debate we were originally having. And what political advantage do you speak of? I am not a Democrat or a leftist. I'm a libertarian. I'm disagreeing with you because I think you're making inaccurate and factually wrong arguments, nothing else.

/r/Libertarian Thread Link - nj.com