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That's the fundamental issue, really. I don't think there is an objectively correct answer to the abortion question itself, because scientifically, it's impossible to define the moment human life becomes human life. You will always have people on either side who are never able to see eye to eye because one believes, not entirely wrongly, that it's killing human life, and the other believes, not entirely wrongly, that it's not human life. All we can do is make our subjective judgments about when the moment that life becomes life is, and subjective judgments alone aren't going to convince other people.

But the fact that every fucking "pro-lifer" ceases to care about the baby's (or mother's!) welfare once it's born, that every fucking "pro-lifer" associates themselves with racists and votes for rapists, that every fucking "pro-lifer" thinks it's baby murder until their daughter has to have an abortion and then suddenly it's OK because she had no choice, and so on and so forth... I can see your character. There was a case to be made for being "pro-life", but if these are the people making it, I'm confident I'm on the right side of history by not standing with them.

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