Who Won the Democratic Debate? Viewers Lean Toward Bernie Sanders

The final Democratic presidential debate before the first states begin voting was marked by heated exchanges between Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders on Wall Street regulation, guns and who would best preserve the legacy of President Obama. Many commentators from across the web thought that a more aggressive Mr. Sanders gave himself a boost by taking Mrs. Clinton on more forcefully. She scored points on his shifting positions on guns and taxes, but was not seen as dealing any decisive blows. Martin O’Malley, meanwhile, was most notable for his unsuccessful efforts to get a word in.

“Bernie needed an overwhelming victory in tonight’s Democrat debate. At best, he got a narrow one. That won’t be enough to win the Dem nomination. Martin O’Malley’s biggest mistake tonight was not bringing his guitar to the podium.” — Frank Luntz, a prominent Republican pollster “If Hillary hugged Obama any tighter tonight Michelle would’ve had to step in.” — Jason Johnson, political science professor at Hiram College and politics editor at The Root

“Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders offered the louder and bolder vision tonight in South Carolina, channeling some of the anger that’s blossoming in both parties in 2016.” — Rick Klein, political director of ABC News

“Hillary Clinton wounded Senator Sanders on guns, with little reply.” — David Axelrod, former senior adviser to President Obama

“Oh. I forgot about Martin O’Malley. So did everyone else.” — Michelle Malkin, senior editor, Conservative Review

“Sanders effectively positioned himself as the anti-status quo candidate, a very good position to have in this electoral environment.” — Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post’s “The Fix” blog

“Who’s the frontrunner? If you only watched the debate and didn’t read polls, you might assume Sanders.” — Chuck Todd, moderator of “Meet the Press” on NBC

“I think he’s done well when he’s had a chance to talk, no?” — Katie Couric, global anchor of Yahoo News, on Martin O’Malley’s performance

“Just filed my debate column. Preview: I hope Hillary had a good lunch yesterday, because somebody ate hers today.” — John Podhoretz, editor of Commentary magazine

“From the beginning, Clinton was perceived as too negative toward Sanders. The attacks not only didn’t resonate, they made him appear even stronger as he was able to reinforce his message in response.” — Chris Kofinis of Park Street Strategies, which conducted a focus group of likely Democratic voters in South Carolina

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