Wickd getting camped all day

First their ADC pick against that team was crap. Croki doesn't shred through tanks fast enough. He also falls off latter in the game.

Then Wickd only needed to ward the first time and then he does waste his flash for nothing While all enemies keep their flashes.

The second time he saw Sion but waited a second, but not his fault there. Either the mid laner or the jungler needs to ward that river entrance. But Wickd had the chance to push out the lane and wait behind. He could have used his Q to hit Graves and the last 2 minions, trying to break the freeze. But after the first trade with Graves he should have been way more careful, because Graves didn't even use his Q.

The third time he had a free kill top but messed it up. After the first Q, he turns around and gets some distance between him and Mao and he didn't use his E. He also had the chance to avoid Sion, Mao and Annie by running towards the enemy turret and then towards the tribrush. Annie would have turned around to cut off the way, but a better route than running left and right and doing nothing. He also saw Annie before he flashed after Mao and he knew Mao had flash up and it was not even sure if it would be a kill with that glitter lance, he probably needed another AA after that.

The 4th time it was really stupid. TP top without your ult and you know the enemy was there and you have no vision. You see the other side of the map and they are not there, so where are they? Probably on your side. Then he tries to stop maos recall, which was not needed. He should have taken all the CS because he was that far behind. He would have been under his turret and the enemy at least would have lost more HP.

Even the 5th death was not needed. Trying to hold the turret when you see mao coming and Annie has th stun ready.

And the 6th? He went there alone from that side and went too close. You have to be ready for a Flash + Tibbers when you play against Annie. If Rek'Sai or Morgana would have been there to delay the enemy.

He also wen't for Morellos instead of Athenes, when he gets has mao, sio, Annie and Ahri as enemies? Athenes would have been the better option, even when it is a tick weaker against Graves at the beginning.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread Link - youtube.com