Will taking a painkiller every couple of days lessen the chance of becoming addicted?

In the shortest possible terms:

Will waiting a few days between each dose lessen the chance of addiction? Probably.

Did almost every heavy addiction start with someone being cautious about how often they took the drugs?


If you really want to avoid addiction, don't take the drugs. People who actually take this advice will almost certainly avoid addiction. Maybe some who don't will too. Much less likely though.

If you don't want to get addicted, don't take opiates for fun. Period. Once you've crossed that line, you're playing with fire. Sure, it's not a guarantee for addiction, but it's very hard to be cautious if you're literally playing around.

I absolutely believe that the devastating effects of opiate addiction is a symptom more of society's approach to these drugs than the effects of the drugs themselves... but you're not going to escape that severity by recognizing that fact.

This might sound a bit bizarre, but unless you're a hardcore activist who wants to use the leverage of his or her addiction to fight the horrifying way we deal with opiates in our society, avoid using them for fun. Especially if you like them. Double especially if you're young.

You've already tried them. You have nothing else to learn. If you touch another pill, we both know it's just to feel good for a while and then it will wear off. This isn't LSD, it's not like you're going to take a few Percocets and have a life changing conversation with god.

Most people take a month or more of regular use before hitting the point where withdrawal is a real issue, and they rationalize the whole way. Don't do that.



People told me the same thing. But I was different. I was someone who read constantly about drugs and knew their dangers. I knew that used properly, opiates aren't that deadly. Well... they didn't kill me. I just spent years "safely" imprisoned by them.

Don't be an idiot. Back away.

/r/opiates Thread