Witless Wednesday - Your weekly silly questions thread

If your psychologist says you might have an eating disorder, take that seriously.

You can ignore your obese family members. They likely don’t have a proper view of a healthy diet.

Disclaimer: not a doctor.

The difference between IF and an eating disorder is the way you look at food. During IF, people are consious of their eating windows and their caloric intake, usually to temporarily lose weight.

With an eating disorder, someone is generally obsessed with food and there is no natural brake on the eating habits. Someone on IF is more likely to say “I’ll eat 400kcal under my maintenance to lose fat”, while someone with an eating disorder is more likely to say “I’ll eat as little as possible to be thin.”

I’d recommend have a serious session with your psychologist on this topic. Go in there openminded. If your goal is to lose weight because you are currently overweight, that could be fine! But make sure you are being healthy about it.

Most of all: take care of yourself! Goodluck on your journey of mental and physical health.

/r/intermittentfasting Thread