A woman has filed a police report saying Kareem Hunt shoved her outside his Cleveland apartment

some drunk underage WHITE girls that don't like rejection.

Only a white girl would feel entitled and privileged enough to A. get into an NFL player's apartment party underage, B. HAVE NO MONEY TO RETURN HOME AFTER BEING ON A PARTY BUS IE. SHE WAS EXPECTING TO STAY THERE. C. file a police report claiming assault after she was rejected (supposedly for not agreeing to have sex with Hunt's friend) D. play the fucking victim and say she was shoved and assaulted.

Meanwhile the otherside of this says she was irate, screaming, calling Hunt and his friends racial slurs and when a girl friend of Kareem's tried to mediate and calm the situation down this white girl shoved her.

She can go right ahead and fuck herself. This kinda shit is EXACTLY everything that takes away from movements like metoo.

Hope she's doomed to an eternity of warm beer and bad sex

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