Women who have been 'negged' by a guy or has run into a Red Piller IRL, what did he say and how did you react?

I've recently been thinking about one of my exes who turned out to be a red piller. I dislike thinking of him so it will be nice to get this off my chest and move on!

First he was nice. Then he constantly tried to confuse, belittle, shame, and gas light me. We would agree on one thing, I would go forward with plans, and then he would act like I did something stupid. For example, it was important to him that I call my exish-boyfriend up and let him know we were "officially" over. Well, I called from my dorm room, and my new shiny boyfriend had a huge problem with me calling up my ex while he was there. Though he never said to stop when he saw me take out my phone, or start to call, and he was ALWAYS in my God damn room. Just stupid shit like that all the time, you know?

He was incredibly jealous. I think that's what made him become a RPer in the first place. If any guy talked to me, he was either visibly upset or would smirk about how much "it didn't bother him" like that should bother me. Either way, it was always some existential event for him. I'm conventionally attractive, so this happened multiple times every day.

He tried making me jealous, and it was stupid because I am 0% insecure with my looks, and the girls he chose to talk about sex with or other icky things were never more conventionally attractive to me, so it just seemed...pathetic. Annoying and pathetic. He tried flirting with other girls, but the only ones he could really get to talk to him were sales people, lol.

I broke up with him a few times, and each time he followed me (once got in his car and followed me to a nearby Starbucks), crying.

He tried to join a fraternity, and the guys there only let him pledge because they had no intention of letting him in but enjoyed the opportunity to torture him. A few of the brothers there had a crush on me, so it was great fun for them. You can't make this shit up.

Anyway, I kind of just wanted to be with someone, and it didn't bother me a lot that our relationship wasn't working. Don't get me wrong, in the beginning I was excited and willing but his behavior just changes how I felt.

When we finally broke up he "revealed" he was a RPer and you could tell he wanted me to care. But I really didn't. At all. It just made things make sense.

/r/AskWomen Thread