Women who walk alone at night invite predators, says mayor of Albury after alleged rape

Ahhh UNI student fresh behind the ears seeing the world with optimistic big wide open eyes..see the world as this big plasticine ball you can mould the way you seem fit, no wonder you are making a massive issue of a word.

I was like you as well..until my lack of real world experience put me in shit situations.

Once i was attacked and robbed when i walked by myself through a dark area that was known to be dodgy. Me being 23 thought that I could deal with it, no problemos. Then one night I was mugged and assaulted. BUT then here I was, mister 23 year old that is out to change the world through understanding and education, that i could talk him out of it..i realised very quickly he didn't give a fuck about what i was on about, which made him even more pisssed off to which he bashed me and then robbed me! It sucked but if i didn't think i was immune or should be immune from the big bad world and actually made an effort to not put myself in that situation then i wouldn't have to deal with being mugged and assaulted. When i went to the cops to reported they were pissed off at the fact that I would put myself in that position to begin with.

The whole victim blaming narrative really does sound like a child trying to squirm himself out of taking responsibility for an action they committed. It sounds petulant and irresponsible to even think that way.

Be safe and use logic and also use fucken common sense please.

And another thing, in time you will agree, but people are going to be cunts regardless..its in our DNA, its humanity. Its always been like this and will continue to be like this till the end of time. Its up to you how you deal with the real world.

/r/australia Thread Parent Link - smh.com.au