I work an 8-5 desk job, what can I do at my desk ,or at home, to avoid a sagging stomach or not sitting up straight?

There's still time really.

Look at someone like the Rock, or Tom Cruise. Both guys probably work/travel a combined 12 hours a day going all around the world and filming, have families, and still put at least 2 hours a day into fitness.

The simple breakdown of a day is 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, 8 hours of personal time. So if you sleep 8 hours (you should), you work 8 hours (the average), then you have 8 hours to do whatever you want.

I'm in graduate school and I take online night classes. I tend to do all the work on one night, but if I averaged the 3 classes of work over the week I'd spend probably 30 minutes a day on it.

Then say 2 hours in the gym.

You still have 5 1/2 hours to spend time with your family, watch tv, play video games, or whatever.

It's doable.

Unless someone is working 2 jobs and is a single parent with the full responsibility of their kids; they probably have the time, they just don't want to admit it.

If you watch TV, reddit, or play games ever...you have the time.

/r/Fitness Thread Parent