The world is fucked... and I don’t know what to do.

Calm down chicken little. Not saying it's all going to be ok, but every person alive has/or had their struggles. Shit has been hitting the fan in every generation since time began. This is ours. And yes I think I tend to agree...its going to be ugly. But stressing about it doesn't get you anywhere. Your planned out life? Might still pan out... but then again a little acceptance and preparation could go a long way.

Ask yourself, if a massive natural disaster was inevitable... would you want advance notice? Or would you rather be caught on the loo with no warning? I'm guessing you will pick advance warning. Nobody wants bad news, but you have the advantage here. You know. So now move forward to how to deal with it personally. There is a psychological sub/help in the sidebar, ( genuine help) and a tonne of info here. Preppers and survival subs if that's what you decide you need? But get back up. The future is coming and denial or depression won't help. It's not the end, nobody is dropping nukes. But yeah... we all get it's a nasty wake up once you explore r/collapse.

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