World Will Witness 90% Wildlife Loss By 2050 Due To Food Habits

A better way to look at this is to zoom out on google maps and see the grey cities, the argiculturural squares and circles, the checkerboard logging areas, the palm plantations in Southeast Asia, every single reservoir that’s dammed, every river we have habituated upon, and/or diverted. The heaps of shit we toss in the ocean. We have collectively removed the majority of the prime coastal/prairie land/river land and are getting to the edge of every mountainside and then some. So just look back in time on google earth and see what we’ve done in terms of development in many many places, and project that further. We can only go up in terms of skyscrapers and 4-5 floor multi complexes, many places have no more feasbale room, but many places in the world remain relatively wild and those are the areas where unregulated logging, bushmeat hunting, etc goes on. Not to mention the almost nonexistent migratory routes land animals need in many places to thrive as they once did, nor the over fishing, or acoustic and visual deterrents cities, power lines, and lights have on the behavioral patterns of literally every clade of animal; from insects, to moose. On top of this we have a little thing called Co2 and methane that are naturally and unnaturally compiling in the atmosphere, and areas where permafrost use to exist yearround is slowly melting away, effecting the weather globally and depleting our fresh water reserves which is already extremely precarious in terms of our reliance on human infrastucture to distribute it to every human, animal, and to plan out flooding, etc.

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