"It would appear a large parts of Tory Conference is in fact an antiques fair."

"A Better Future"

I'm 45 and have lived through multiple better future campaigns (or whatever bullshit slogan they come up with). Is it "better" now? Has it been "better" with each new party taking control?


Fucking lies. Self serving bastards. All of them - or at least most of them.

Left, right, I haven't noticed a difference. They get power after promising a whole lot of BS, then do what the fuck they want - which fills their own pockets and the pockets of their backers (UK arms industry as a prime example - Prince Andrew, looking at you.... Or how about HSBC laundering money for drug lords and child traffickers and getting a slap on the wrist fine after Osborne saves there arse from further scrutiny from the law.... as two examples from thousands).

Keep voting for these fuckers, go on.... When you've got a few decades under your belt - and unless you've got a complete inability to watch/read history repeat again and again - maybe, just maybe, you'll realise something fundamental has to change, because giving people power ONLY makes them corrupt. History will keep repeating until the system incorporates and limits by law, the proclivity for corruption from our elected beneficiaries. Democracy is the best there is, but it fucking sucks because the same greedy, selfish and hungry for power personalities WANT to become politicians and are elected over and over - ensure that is changed and we may have some semblance of hope.

/r/ukpolitics Thread Link - twitter.com