Would you date a hot retarded girl?

Well, before I answer your question (as I actually have experience in this matter!), firstly I just wanted to say that the word "retarded" has become highly derogatory in nature.

I mean come on... we have ALL known since about Grade-3, at least, that the word "retarded" is a moderately-bad insult.

So why do you want to project such an insulting word, upon people who have done nothing wrong, and were simply born different than many of us?

Thus... I would recommend to the OP, Halo266, to stop using that term, to describe actual "mentally handicapped" people.

You may think I'm trying to be "politically correct" in making that recommendation, but I'm not. I actually HATE political correctness!

But again... we all know that the term "retarded" has become highly pejorative, so I for one don't believe in continuing to use it.

Anyways, it's up to you, whether or not you want to continue to direct the word "retarded" towards innocent mentally handicapped people.

But getting to the topic at hand:

So yes, I once knew an ULTRA-HOT woman, who was originally from Brazil, and was mentally handicapped, and immigrated to Canada, with her family.

I came to know her, when she worked at the same law firm as I did. She was part of a special education program, that sought to place mentally handicapped people in environments where it was hoped they could "contribute" somehow, to productivity.

Her placement with our law firm, to help with reception duties, was... well it was a TOTAL disaster, unfortunately. She just could not cope with the environment of a law firm.

ESSENTIALLY, she would make mistakes now and then, and several of the lawyers at our firm, would lay into her, in a VERY severe and humiliating way (as many lawyers in many a law firm often like to do!), for even the slightest of mistakes.

When I witnessed these lawyers in action, against her, I would always pounce on them with a severe intensity, in defense of her, because I knew they were being far more HARSH on her, than they would be with a so called "non-mentally-handicapped" person.

And I guess, I had a special liking towards her for some reason. I guess you could say it was love... There was just something about her, despite the fact that she was very mentally handicapped in certain aspects.


I have to say, that surprisingly, she took all the insults of the lawyers at our firm, and there harsh criticisms with great patience and a sort of kindness, that you would not often see in life, and she just kept persevering, desperate to make her job work out.

It was like she held her head high, despite the insults.

Her performance under such pressure, with her mental handicap, has always been a GREAT INSPIRATION to me!

ANYWAYS... getting to the question at hand: I guess because I constantly came to her "rescue" and counter-insulted the firm's top lawyers in her defense, when they insulted her, (in front of everyone, despite the fact that I was just a paralegal at that time!) she took a rather STRONG liking to me!

She began calling me sometimes on my private number, and then began actually showing up at my home door! Another receptionist at the firm gave her my personal contact details, after she begged that receptionist to give her the info.

She made it VERY VERY clear that she wanted to be with me in a sexual way -- which was HIGHLY flattering to me, given just how much of a hot chick she was! It was good for my ego!

But in the end...

I could NOT take advantage of her. At that time I began dating someone else, that was my "soul mate" that I am still with to this day.

So I just couldn't take advantage of her advances, when I was with someone else.

But had I not been with someone else, I would have certainly gone on dates with her, and made sure to treat her right.

So ultimately, the answer to your question is a RESOUNDING: YES!

I would date a mentally handicapped girl, if she liked me, and we had a special connection. But I would do so in a way that would NOT take advantage of her.

But alas, it was not meant to be between her and I, and thus I made sure not to take advantage of her, and NOT to add to her pain, in this sometimes harsh world we live in!

FINALLY... and sadly (in case you are wondering) the law firm did not keep her.

But I made sure that she listed me as a reference when she applied for reception/administrative duties at other companies.

The owner of one company called me, and I sensed he was a good person immediately in our conversation.

So I took a chance, and explained to him in full honesty her limitations, and yet her greatness, and some of the things she did well, that I had witnessed, and I strongly recommended that he hire her, and give her a try, to see if she could fit in somehow and contribute.

AFTERALL, I said: if she doesn't fit in, then just don't keep. But at least give her a chance.

A few years later, I heard that she was still with that company!

/r/AskReddit Thread