I would like to hear a point of view about my problems

Now I'm a bit better. I don't know why I was so sad today.

What are your goals?

Honestly: To sleep 8 hs a day, enjoy hugs and jokes with a lot of sincere friends, travel and take sunlight, learn a lot about my subjects of interest, drawing, singing, and write books for childreen.

Saving money is a good thing, even if you decide not to use it for a motorbike

Yes. I don't usually spend money in ephemeral tastes.

I think you may be placing unrealistic expectations on others for your birthday.

I mean, I was not going to do anything, but a ENFP friend organized everything. Once I said yes, I expected something good.

Work on yourself before you worry about these girls. It doesn't sound like you're in a great place for a relationship. If sex is available and you're not morally opposed to it, enjoy it for what it is between two consenting adults and be up front with your partner about expectations. Sex can just be sex sometimes.

I mean, how to work on myself? I crave a girlfriend. I need one to be completely happy. Also, of course sex is fine, but what if I have sex with someone I don't love and then I fall in love with someone who love me and who was waiting for me. I'll regret. Also, maybe I'll regret not doing so.

Work on yourself before you worry about these girls. It doesn't sound like you're in a great place for a relationship. If sex is available and you're not morally opposed to it, enjoy it for what it is between two consenting adults and be up front with your partner about expectations. Sex can just be sex sometimes.

Yes, haha. But I'm not going back to psychology. Last time she laughed at me. As I said, nobody cares. Fortunately, I'm OK right now. I don't know why I was feeling that way today.

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