[WP] You decide to buy lottery tickets for the next 3 weeks draws. All 3 tickets win. While being interviewed by the local news station you are asked how you pulled it off and you joke, "I'm from the future". Later that night you get home and there are 2 men in suits inside. They look like CIA.

I sat at the end of my driveway, holding a cigarette. I flicked open my zippo and lit it, the smoke warming my body like the sensual embrace of a past lover. It would be my last one, and I planned on enjoying it down to the filter. Looks like it was almost midnight, but it was August, so it was still 90 degrees outside. My living room window was open. I didn't leave it open.

Reaching under my chin, I scratched my neck. Four weeks worth of beard growth will do that. Not once in my life, had I ever grown a beard before, but I figured what the hell. No time like the present. Chuckling to myself over that thought, I decided that it was time to flick my cigarette butt out the window and head inside the house. It was pitch black inside.

"Agent Cain. Agent Andrews." I said before turning on the lights. "I've been expecting you."

After flicking on the lights, I see two stone faced men sitting on my couch. One with a briefcase on his lap. "You're a little late, wouldn't you say, Agent Webber?" Andrews replied.

"Only 15 years Andrews. Lighten up" I smirked. "Let's just say, there were some...complications with the original timeline. Don't worry, it will all make sense after debriefing." I said while holding up two viles of green liquid, before chucking one to each agent.

Andrews and Cain each took one, and Cain opened up the briefcase on his lap. inside were two empty syringes, two rubber bands and alcohol swabs. They tied off their arms and drew the green liquid up into the syringes. After a quick swab, they injected it into themselves. For the next 30 seconds, I watched as their bodies convulsed and eyes darted wildly back and forth. Then as if nothing had happened, they snapped out of it, and Andrews said "Yes, I see what you mean Webber."

"Well Gentlemen," I started, "Are you ready to save the world?"

Note* This is what happens when you start writing a story with no idea where it's going. You end somewhere in the middle, and call it a cliffhanger haha.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread