[WP] A demon, with the ability to grow stronger by absorbing souls, is terrorizing nearby cities. You are the only one who can stop him, because you have the very same ability.

"Devouring" is not the word. I actually resent the notion: it claims intention where there is none. It's more like being a sponge walking through droplets of water. I don't want it, but it happens. I often resent the droplets - mindlessly folding in on themselves. Ready to be taken by anything compelling. Offering their essences yet insisting that I am the guilty party.


I am hunting someone down. A demon. I am following a trail of spiritual absence through the streets. I will find him, and perhaps kill him. I'm not sure.

I find things better when I'm not looking. Thomas pointed me in this direction. He's got a pretty clear head about these things. A good guy. I don't know how he found me but he did. He says I'm special. I say he's going to be disappointed.

A few hours later I'm in the bar I'm meant to be in, I suppose. Tom texted so. Some sort of psychic transaction Is happening somewhere. Something heavy. The drinks are working, at least. I surge with false confidence. Enough to ignore the stares and work.



Another one. Can't look them in the eyes. I keep forgetting.

But there's a hum within my skin. Twisting against my current as I climb up the stairs. Feels...feels...


I glance up to my right. There he is. Smoking a cigarette.


He smiles like he didn't break my heart and splinter me into tiny little pieces. Like there wasn't seven years between our last phone call and this smile. I'm gutted by an open road and cerulean skies. Our kingdom once.

"You smoke now?"


A pause as we watch me open a pack. I usually hate people watching me, but with Luke everything feels like water. I'm happy. I can't - I won't suppress the feeling.

"You're here to kill me, gonna push me down that well."

I grunt something indecipherable. I don't know what to say. I grapple for the most logical response.

"You lured me here."

"There was no other way. You wouldn't move. Seven years, Sam. It hurts."

"What about those people?"

"Bigger assholes than your mistakes."

"That's not true."

"They started off that way, but you wouldn't come find me if I was doing a good job, would you?"

Eyelids spread in disbelief. I turn to look at him.


"I miss you, Sam. I don't want to live without you anymore."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread