[WP] Earth is a quarantined zone, holding the most deadly disease in the universe, H. Sapiens

It is that organ most prized among man, that massive calcium encrusted neuroganglion balanced atop their bodies, which is our burden. A brain of brains, its cerebral predecessors took notice of our presence at first with our encouragement. Initially nothing more than peculiar organic life forms capable of mild reflection, we shaped the crude neurons into a meshwork capable of intercepting our own voices, an intricate antennae designed to receive a small part of our own consciousness.

It was not before long that they spoke back. They requested we look after them and in return they would erect monuments in our honor. Our ego had never before been so satisfied, and we indulged in their worship and encouraged the growth of their numbers. Through the devotion of man we extended ourselves into the physical realm and were made powerful by an energy unknown to us prior.

But this energy transfixed us; we became addicted. Conflict arose amongst us and man was our weapon. Efforts were made to bolster our followings and stronger efforts still were made to smite the followings of one another. In their brains we implanted unshakable convictions of faith and devotion, beliefs worth both dying and killing for. It was our gift to them, the mighty cerebrum, which eventually belied our power. Man discovered he had control over his own mind. We had crafted his brain with such eagerness that we were careless to restrict his personal access to our own consciousness; the ability was inexorably bound within his physical form.

As awareness among their numbers grew, we became trapped. They now access us without tribute or worship, costing more of our energy and increasingly replacing less. We are immobilized in their vicinity, slowly dissolving completely into their parasitic minds. Even those most powerful among us are now immobile, though they continue to implant convictions in the men left willing to hear them, truly a final attempt at getting man to destroy himself, but those men are fewer and fewer every day.

None who have not become fixed here are able to leave, none who are still free will draw near. This is a deadzone. Man, our own creation, has devoured our knowledge and made it his own.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread