[WP] "Excuse me mister.. something terrible has happened." I turned around, stunned by the sight of a child tugging on my arm. Her hands dripping warm blood from the fingertips.

"Excuse me, mister."

A frail, petite voice pierced the silence.

"Something terrible has happened."

Turning around, I saw a young girl grasping onto my shirt. Her eyes, welling with tears, were darting around, as if looking for something or someone.

Drip Drip Drip

Blood was dripping from her hand, yet her face was somber and unwavering. She couldn't have been in pain. The shock was beginning to wear off and my instincts returned to me.

"Are you okay? What's happened?"

The only reaction was the focus of her eyes. No longer looking around, they sat fixated on me. Though something told me to leave her alone, I tried to take her to the kitchen where I kept my first-aid kit. I felt ice as I grabbed her hand, which was quickly contrasted by a warmth. A few beads of red ran down my hand.

"This blood is fresh," I thought to myself, "What could've caused this? I need to get her away from here. Wait. Where is here?"

Looking around, the truth set in. I wasn't at home. I wasn't in Beleth anymore. In fact, I wasn't even sure this was Earth. A white smog swirled around us, preventing me from seeing anything other than the girl and itself.

She spoke again. "Something terrible has happened. Please mister, you have to help."

The blood had began to form a pool.

"What happened?" It was all I could get out. My thoughts were so convoluted at this point I wasn't sure I wanted a answer, or could even understand one.

"Something terrible," she said. Her eyes went back to scanning the mist. Either she could see something or was just as lost as i was. Regardless, I knew we had to get out somehow. Grabbing her hand again, I quickly pulled away as the cold was almost unbearable.

"You stay put. I'm going to find a way out of here and come back for you."

Using my shoelaces, I fashioned a length of rope so I wouldn't lose her. I tried handing it to her, but she remained immobile, staring at me again. Deciding to tie it to her wrist, I began walking off. Her voice filled the room.

"Mister! You have to save us! All of us! The black-eyed man said that if you don't, we'll all become his next meal..."

"What man?! Save you from what?! I don't even know--"

Fire erupted all around me, engulfing the young girl. The laugh coming from it was not human, for I've heard a lot of humans laugh and none where ever as deep and cracked as this.

My screams filled the void as the fire burnt away my skin. I sat staring at my flesh until it too melted away, leaving

/r/WritingPrompts Thread