[WP] You have found the fountain of maturity.

We're all ushered into the line like sheep, the small plastic cup in my right hand shaking.

Groans echoed up the line from the back, boring. . . This is dumb. . . But the further I travelled the quieter it got.

I could see the fountain now, small droplets of moisture misted over the edge and onto the concrete. The person at the front braved the mists, their motions that of a black shadow as they dipped their cup in and drank the icy cold water.

I didn't actually know if it was cold. That was a guess on my behalf. I crossed my fingers hoping it was, drinking warm water sucks!

So anyway, three people back from the front of the line now and I can hear the noise of the fountain. This thing is roaring, like I'm sitting five feet away from the Niagra falls.

It gets to my turn and I step forward, into the mist. I can barely find my way, but I keep it simple and walk straight ahead.


Ouch. That's the sound of my knee hitting brick. I imagined this experience as something much more 'holy'. But whatever.

I dip my cup into the goo, it comes out all sticky. Nothing like water. Then I peer at the centre of the fountain, the roaring I heard earlier is really coming from this big metal machine.

I look across and I see the people that had been in line before me. Their eyes are glowing red, every one of them. They're just standing their motionless, waiting.

Shit. . . I think. Is that what becoming mature is about? Joining mindless drones like the rest of them?

I turn tail, screw this I'd rather just be a kid forever.

But something stops me, a bar across my chest. I look up at the Sherrif, his metal baton is laid out neatly across my chest and barring my path back to the others. I try and scream, shout for help. But I don't know if i'm looking in the right direction, the mist is way to foggy.

Mr.Sherrif guy guides me back to the fountain. I fill my cup with the sticky goo and sniff it.

Eurgh, smells just like fine leather suits and Cuban cigars. I hold my nose and skull back the mixture.

Then it hits me. First the stiffness, I can barely move my arms and legs on my own accord. Then the little voice in my head. . .

Don't do that. Move forward. You're not allowed back there.

It overpowers me. . . I walk toward the other robots, all fighting to be free again.

I can't believe I lined up for this voluntarily.

I guess that in the end, I got what I asked for. . .

Maturity. . .

/r/WritingPrompts Thread