[WP] You install a webcam to check on your house while on vacation. You log on and you don't see a burglar, you see...something else.

It had been a long two months since I started trying to figure out what was happening to all my stuff. I knew- because I checked- that I wasn't going crazy. My stuff was disappearing.

The thing about it was... it was such random stuff! The first thing I noticed missing was the penny I found in the parking lot by my car. See, I've made it a habit to pick up any pennies I see lying on the side of the road. Well, the ones facing up anyway. Good luck and all that.

I had placed it on my dresser the night before. I was sure of it because I remember the strange discoloration of the penny that had given me pause when I first picked it up. The rest of my change hadn't disappeared, but I couldn't find the penny, even after checking my pockets from the day before.

Then it was some pocket lint that went missing. I had pulled it out of my favorite sweater after a party and I specifically remember hiding it in a plant. (Who goes all the way to a trash can for pocket lint??) I went by to clean it out later and it was gone. I didn't think someone else would clean out one of my plants... the deduction was obvious.

Someone was stealing from me! Inconceivable! I immediately went out and bought a high-tech, covert security system. After all, no chance in hell I was letting the bastard get away with it. My pocket lint! How DARE he! I set it all up and headed on down to my vacation.

I was going to Valdosta, Georgia. Don't ask me why, I don't really know. Sometimes when I feel like getting away and don't have a destination in mind I just buy a ticket to the first town I hear about that day.

It was a terrible vacation. Not only was there nothing to do and nowhere to go (In case you're wondering, I frequently find myself bored on my vacations. I'm not sure why.), but I made the most terrible discovery during my stay there.

I of course brought along my high tech laptop so I could browse reddit while I hung out in my hotel, but the Internet wasn't working! I'm not sure if it was my laptop or the hotel, but it frustrated me to no end. After troubleshooting it for the first three days of my stay I finally got it all working properly.

I browsed /r/NSFW for a while

/r/WritingPrompts Thread