[WP] Write a protagonist who doesn't realize how evil he is.

It feels good to do well.

I found this piece of trash outside of an abandoned deli on the corner where I used to buy dog, and man, I was way more thrilled with this score than any other. I hit him over the head with a piece of the rusted fire escape, then carried him to the alley. The whole way there my hammer hand was throbbing.

I got him awake, and as soon as his eyes focused in, I pull the hammer out of my coat and let him have it.

WHAM! The footsteps when your mate comes home.

SMACK! The one time I heard Santa in the chimney when I was six.

CRUNCH! The sound of ten thousand angels singing.

So, so so so good.

Then its over. Over like it always is, too soon.

And then I hear it, a soft, flowing wind. The sky opens up, and my eyes are filled with a bright, warm light. I see my mother standing there. She is so happy, her face full of pride. She says nothing, she doesn't have to, she reaches out and touches my cheek. I feel like I've swallowed fire and me eyes well up, and I know I've done well.

As she turns and walks away, the sky closes up behind her, and I turn back to the heap on the ground. He sits up, looking around like he has lost something, then he sees me. He tries to talk, but when I saved him with the hammer, his jaw was in the way. He tries to put it back in place, but there are too many pieces. Instead, he looks at me. He starts crying. Large, wet tears of realization, and I can see in his eyes he understands. He knows that if he would have kept going, he would have hurt someone, he would have done something evil, he would have made this world a little more ugly. But I saved him, and I can see in his eyes, or what is left of them, that he knows that. I am God's good justice, I am his instrument put forth, to accomplish deeds needing done. I can see in what is left of his eyes, he understands.

I shout "Go now brother, on to paradise, and I will see you there"! He nods, then turns around, and follows my mother, and I know that if he could have, he would have smiled at me before he went.

And after he is gone, and my eyes adjust back to the dark, I know in my heart that I have done well.

So, so so so good...

/r/WritingPrompts Thread