[WP] You're falling, and approaching the ground fast. This is not a suicide. So why are you so calm?

Hi. I wrote this as a collab with someone named Zaynal. He left before we finished and I didn't get his username. I hope he sees this.

Zaynal Today the tests came negative. I wasn't gifted. My parents tested me for intelligence, strength, psychokinesis, and I forget what else. The doctors said that I could very well display other powers but the likelihood was rather low. They said they couldn't test for abilities like weather manipulation or flight, but those were so rare that I would have a better chance at winning the lottery.

Me My parents were disappointed, but to be honest, I wasn't. I mean, come on. I don't understand the hype. And the kids in my class who have powers can be total jerks. It's not for me, you know? Normal is good enough.

Jake walks up to me as I passively chew at the eraser on my pencil. "Hey, there a test today?" "No, why?" I respond, not bothering to take out the pencil. "I don't know, Jessica said there might be a pop quiz. I'm not sure." "If there's a pop quiz, chances are it's the biology teacher doing it. So just skim over my notes if you're worried." I hand him my notebook. He takes it.

Jake stared for a moment, then turned my notebook back to me. "What's this?" "Oh, just a sketch." I grab it back from him, embarrassed. "Wings, huh? That's a rare one. Didn't you say you got tested last week?" "It's just a drawing," I say hotly.

"It came negative didn't it?" He places his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay man, you don't have to have powers to be awesome." "Man?" I raise my eyebrows.

He lifts his hand from my arm.

"Haha, sorry sorry. I call everyone I'm close to man." He bites his tongue and fake bows.

I shake my head at him. "You're such a goof." He blushes. I do too. I don't know if he believes what he said. About not needing powers to be a real person. His parents are two of the most popular heroes in town. He is way out of my league, as Jessica reminds me nearly every day. She may be right. I hand my notebook back to Jake.

I look out the window. Sometimes I wonder if I would ever be like the heroes on the TV. Saving the world, saving lives. But I've long given up on being special. He offers a quick thanks before heading back to his seat.

We're halfway through class when the National Guardian alarm goes off. It means a superhero battle has leaked onto our part of town again. I pick up my bag, then make my way to the emergency shelter. Jake catches up to me and hands back my notebook.

"Don't worry about what Jessica says. You're a pretty cool guy." Jake smiles. "Guy?" I raise my eyebrow again. "Sorry sorry. I guess I view you as one of the guys. Cause you're easy to talk to. I don't have to pretend around you." Before I have a chance to comprehend the words he said, a loud crash goes off behind me.

Captain Unbelievable crashes straight through the lockers. Large chunks of concrete fan out around him as he hits the opposite wall. The force of the blow knocks me off my feet.Jack stands firm, the strength of his powers keeping him on his feet. His eyes widen suddenly. "Dad? What are you doing here?" "Whoa, son! Stay back, alright? Go on to the shelter room." I stand up. I can feel shrapnel in my hair, and a large gash in my side.

You know that moment when you're so afraid and alert that time seems to slow down? That moment where you're frozen in place for all eternity? Well, the opposite happened. I grew calm. I looked around to see if I could head safely to the emergency shelter. And then the villain flew into the room. All hope gone. He looks at me and Jake. Ignoring Jake's dad.

I look back, calmly. I feel a sense of... curiosity. Surely at least one part of my brain is screaming at me. To run, or to dive out the second floor window. But it's easy to ignore. He quickly strides toward us. The flames of his shoes singe the grey tile floor. "I grow tired of this, Captain. This battle must come to an end." He grabs Jake by the arm. "Perhaps a hostage will make you change your tune."

"LET GO OF HIM!" I try to punch the man, but he grabs me by the neck and throws me out of the building. I have ten stories to try to figure out what I need to do to get out of this situation of alive.

There is still no panic. Falling through the air is a strange feeling. I feel like I am trapped in icy water. But there is no drowning, no gasping for air. Only the rocketing sensation of falling at terminal velocity. "I am most likely going to die," I think to myself. A calm washes over me.

The calm grows, I accept my death. It was a long ride, but I had fun. As the ground grew nearer and nearer I unconsiously place my hands forward in a vain attempt to cushion my fall. And then a sudden jerking motion happens to me. As if gravity decided to reposition itself in the sky. My fall began to slow and my fall grinded to a halt. My nose touches the asphalt before I start falling towards the sky. I guess I am a super. Or I'm hallucinating this as I'm dying. Not sure yet.

My hands reach out in front of me as the ground moves farther away. I feel dazed. My sense that I am dreaming leaves me, and I struggle to right myself. The flood of calm leaves my body as I continue. Soon, I am able to see through the hole out of which I fell. I can see Jack on the floor, his arm badly burnt from where the villain grabbed him.

(TBC? Thanks for reading.)

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