Yes, the RedPill is fake. But...

But how many of those couples that stay together are truly happy? Some people stay together despite being miserable for various reasons (kids, finances, lack of options, being part of a religion/culture that frowns upon divorce, etc.) No one in my family has had a lasting, happy marriage. My mother and grandmother both only got married because they got knocked up out of wedlock. Both my dad and my grandfather cheated and treated their wives and kids like trash. My grandparents stayed married until he died, and it's obvious that they weren't happy despite what she tries to claim. My mother left my father. My aunt was in a miserable marriage that lasted until my uncle died. My older cousin was in two bad marriages and is currently shagging some other loser. Her daughter had sex with an underage boy, got pregnant with his kids and lost them. My other cousin is pussy-whipped as hell and keeps getting engaged to mediocre women. One of my other uncles is also whipped. Only one uncle on my mother's side seems to have a decent marriage, and I don't see him enough to comment on it. Can't comment on my dad's side since I'm not on speaking terms with that side of my family (and I really don't want to be on speaking terms with my mother's side, but I still live at home, so I have no choice.) But they're trash too, so they're probably doing the same shit or worse.

It's clear that my family tree needs to be chopped down ASAP. Unfortunately, there's already one generation below me, so it's going to continue on whether I have kids or not. I do want kids some day, but only after I'm financially and mentally stable enough to handle it, which I guess would be around mid-30s to early-40s. But it's hard for a man to have kids without a wife.

No matter how hard I try, I just cannot imagine staying with one person for the rest of my life. I don't like most people, I get bored very easily and I'm not a great person to be around. And seeing the garbage I've been exposed to growing up, the odds are not in my favor.

But I also don't want to be a player since I don't want to risk having unwanted children or catching STDs. Plus I'm too repulsive to attract that many women anyway.

/r/exredpill Thread Parent