"You're a power mod. You mod the cesspile of absolute garbage that is SRD, and you let it fester to the point of it now being worse than SRS in terms of brigading. You and your power mod friends are cancer."

The only similarity between SRD and SRS that I know of is that SRD assumes /r/seduction is still all about fuzzy hats, manipulative mindgames to get a woman's pants off, and rape.

A few counters:

  • Fuzzy hat peacocking "Mystery Method" game went out of style about seven and a half years ago.

  • Seddit doesn't really like Real Social Dynamics (the organization or its people) very much, with the exception of "RSD Tyler"/Owen Cook.

  • In the world of game, you're not going to be very successful if your angle of attack is inauthentic. In fact, the "tricks/lines to get laid" kind of mentality is known as being "incongruent". You have to have a mentality and lifestyle that is attractive, which requires more being than doing. You will have to exert an effort greater than the sum of its parts to be the kind of man that other women want, and for it to be genuine. Mark Manson talks about this in his book Models (which even /r/thebluepill loves)

  • Neuro-linguistic programming and evolutionary psychology are pseudoscience, and this is openly admitted on Seddit.

  • When you encounter last-minute resistance (LMR), you're not supposed to push forward. You do what's called a freeze-out. When a girl says "stop" or "no", you treat it at face value and stop.

  • There is a definite pushback against RooshV and Redpill culture on Seddit. One mod even called the RooshV forums "sex tourism".

I know you're going to link me to TofuTofu's "rape manual" or bad Seddit posts to prove me wrong; but truth be told I don't really frequent that subreddit anymore because it has been flooded by beginners. I've known about the subreddit since 2011 (on older usernames) and compared to those days, it's such a disappointment. "HOW DO I GET THIS ONE GIRL THAT I REEEEEEAAAAALLLLY LIKE? NO BUT THIS IS DIFFERENT"

If you have an objection to game being too methodical and calculated, I don't know what to tell you. Sometimes socially awkward nerds need a more methodical approach before they move on to more natural game. If you have an objection to the lingo. Unfortunately much of the lingo is deemed as anachronistic. HB<number>-the number represents social value, not physical attractiveness. The original usage of AMOG, F/K/#-close, ASD, IOI, LMR was convenient shorthand for "a guy who makes you look bad in front of other women", managing to sleep with/make out with/get the contact information of a woman, "reasons a woman has to not have sex based on societal, cultural or peer pressure to not look too 'easy'", any indicator of your own interest or the woman's, and any kind of defence or resistance that a woman puts up before sex.

I'm not expecting anyone to listen to me. I'm tired of defending the seduction community, and with people like Julien Blanc, they're making it really hard to do so. This is probably the only thing I will ever say about Seddit on SRD.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Link - np.reddit.com