YSK: If a nurse tells you that you’re entitled to a second opinion, we think you probably should.

UGH I feel you. I had an issue with a cyst on my right ovary. Same as you, my doctor brushed me off multiple times and just gave me antibiotics thinking it was a UTI despite my urinalyses repeatedly coming back negative for bacteria. Was treated like I was making shit up by one of the employees while I was crying and was told "I didn't say you were exaggerating, I'm saying that it's like you said there's a pimple on your face when there's none." I was so frustrated. I changed docs and was finally taken seriously when I mentioned how long I was having issues, got an ultrasound, found a mass, got an MRI, went to gynecologist, told me there was a cyst, then opted for surgery to remove the ovary. It's reassuring (yet sad) that we had to go through this and I see other people have similar stories. :/

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