I (25m) buy my girlfriend (25f) gifts, when I can, she complains and argues with me when I ask her to do the same? I'm unemployed she works full time.

s this an issue that you want things to be "fair" or is this something that you genuinely miss emotionally?

nailed it, finally someone sees this for what im concerned about rather than "Dude why do you want gifts wtf".

Yes, when I buy her things its because I love her and want to make her happy. She suggests things that she likes in conversation, I take note and will buy her that thing as a surprise with added stuff that I know she likes. I do this because I like seeing her happy and want her to know I love her a lot both materilistically and emotionally.

I dont feel like this is repeated and her effort isnt there as much as I put in to, and it feels like a one way street.

She rarely buys me things period and if she does they dont have any thought behind them and usually come along with complaints of the price etc.

I dont know, when you bring up things like price or problems it takes all the emotion out of doing something like that and its the opposite to the reason why I do it.

She acts like its a financial problem that could be avoided, I do it because its something I think is important.

I'm struggling to explain exactly what I mean.

But basically: I buy her things regularly, with an emotional reason behind it because it makes her happy etc. When she buys me something on the rarity its more about the price etc. I feel guilty accepting the gift because she didnt do it out of the good of her heart, she did it because ive brung it up recently.

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