Was I(25m) wrong for telling my wife (24f) "If I'm not allowed to have a beard, neither are you."

Agreeing with everyone on the double standard thing. I started getting facial hair growth due to a hormone issue when the side effects of my PCOS started getting bad. I was mortified and did as much research as I could into laser hair removal. The sessions for my upper lip and chin didn't cost too much, and the whole appointment would take ten minutes max. It felt great not having to worry about it and not needing to mess with it too much. With the introduction of medication meant to help slow the growth of hair I was looking at appointments maybe two to three times a year.

I sympathize with the hair growth but, honestly, it's not something that is hard to do. If she's expecting you to do this daily or there are repercussions in your relationship (no sex) she needs to be held to the same standard.

/r/relationship_advice Thread