Acting Attorney General Orders Justice Dept. Not to Defend Refugee Ban

People don't seem to understand or appreciate just how serious this is.

The AG position is not designed to be the President's yes-man, and the DOJ is not designed to be politically compliant like the rest of the executive departments.

The AG has a duty to provide independent legal counsel, and be able to put his foot down when the President gives an order that he deems is unlawful. And the DOJ is set up in a way to independently answer to the AG in this resistance, without allowing tampering from the President or the rest of the cabinet.

Sally Yates did exactly that. And the procedurally correct way to respond was for Trump to simply appoint a special legal counsel to protect the order that the DOJ refused to. This would have successfully asserted his policy agenda in a way that did not compromise the crucial independence of the DOJ.

Instead he proved that he will undermine every executive department that stands up to him for legal reasons. He proved that he will not let the law get in the way of his agenda. And to make matters worse, this comes after proving that he will not respect judicial orders or rulings either.

This is a true, fundamental Constitutional crisis, and it's got nothing to do with the Bill of Rights. This is a separation of powers problem. Congress needs to grow a fucking spine and assert itself before it's too late.

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