Acting like a goddamn child

A few years ago when I was maybe 13-14 I got the "Oh my computer is slow, can you fix it?" question from my nmother. I suggested defragmenting the drive which was about the extent of my knowledge on how to fix computers back then but as soon as the words were out of my mouth it was "No! That is too hard, I wouldn't know how to do that, you know I am not very good at computers!" before I could even explain how to do it. Well I show her how to do it anyways past all her protesting and whining... fast forward a few months and she comes to me and boasts to me about how she helped her friend with a slow computer who couldn't even figure out how to defragment their disc as if they were so stupid. She told the story the most patronizing way imaginable where she was also telling me how to do it like I wasn't the one who had taught her in the first place and I didn't know how to do it myself. Whatever, I let it slide, I was just glad she was embracing computers a bit more. Well fast forward again to about a year or less after this incident and then suddenly she has never ever heard of defragmenting. She needs me to fix the computer, the computer is too hard, etc. The mind boggles sometimes, it really does. I can understand not remembering exactly how to do it but she denied any of it ever happened at all and got pissy about it to boot.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread