Activision surely is doing well with their pricing...

I have 6000 hours logged on Steam since late 2010 and who knows how much before that (I started gaming in 1998). Not that it means anything, but since we're bragging, I guess I should put it out there?

I guess we're judging based on different criteria, then. I only played CoD1 and CoD2 prior to BO2 and that was back when they got released. I was a kid in elementary school back then. I skipped everything in between because I didn't have an up-to-date gaming PC in the second half of 2000s and because I was on board the Activision hate train because of blatant rehashing.

Speaking of rehashing and bad business practices, Activision has been doing it ever since they struck the motherlode with MW1. You can hate on microtransactions and DLC and map remakes all you want, but Activision was bad way before BO2.

And I'll repeat, DLC and microtransactions weren't necessary at all to enjoy BO2. As a matter of fact, I wasn't even aware of DLC until I saw weapon skins in killcams that couldn't be unlocked through challenges. But that's cosmetic DLC and if there has to be DLC in game, it's better if it's cosmetic than something else. It's easy to ignore it and it doesn't affect you in any way.

I said that campaign was okayish. Some people liked it, some people didn't, to me it was meh. I bought the game for multiplayer and that's where it shines as far as I'm concerned. I had my expectations and all of them were met. Fast paced shooter in a modern setting with low TTK, loadout customisation and small to medium sized maps. It delivered all of that.

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