After 2 years of complete celibacy and PMO free, I am choosing to end my celibacy streak.

I don't exactly understand your reasoning for why casual sex is bad as opposed to sex in a committed relationship. I mean, I suppose I know what you're trying to get at, but I guess I'm just not convinced. It's not as if I'm having sex with a girl and moving on to the the next girl as you claim I've said (which I haven't said if you read my post at all). By "casual sex" I mean that I'm having sex with two sometimes three of my close female friends. It's not as if I'm going out manipulating girls and having one night stands. These are girls I truly care about and love. These are girls that are basically my girlfriends just without the title. I think labels just complicate things unnecessarily, there's the possessiveness and jealousy and the neediness. What's wrong with having sex outside of a committed relationship when I'm too busy for a relationship while I'm at university? I'm not having sex with just any random girl, and I'm not just "using" girls to satisfy my urges. There were many times I've denied sex to girls who wanted it because I felt there wasn't a genuine connection. Trust me I've really thought deeply about this and I truly feel it is the better path to enjoy yourself with people you have genuine connections with as opposed to feeling morally superior to everyone who's having sex, being rigid and emotionally walled off to the world. I honestly felt so shut off from the world when I was completely celibate for too long. I declined many invitations to go out to social events because I felt it my mind that all people were doing was just partying and doing immoral things and I viewed myself as morally superior so I just kept to myself and shut the world off. That was absolutely miserable in hindsight. You're probably more socially conservative than me, and I have nothing against that but you have your view on things and I mine. Don't think for a second that you're morally superior for not having sex and choosing to look down on those that do. I'm not being "pathetic" and letting my dick control me or any of what you said. I'm completely conscious of what I'm doing, I'm not some lust filled zombie sticking my dick in anything that has a pulse as you've mistakenly imagined. Reading "Siddhartha" by Hesse taught me that it is bad to take to extreme views on things and better to live a balanced middle path. Complete celibacy was becoming detrimental to my life so I sought to change that and the changes I've made have made me a happier person as anyone in my life, my friends and family, can attest to.

/r/NoFap Thread Parent