Aging like wine, or aging like bread: why single Mormon women hold-out

For those of you who are getting mad because of the title.

Here is what is said: (This person is reflecting on Mormon culture rather than considering this a personal viewpoint of women.)

A Mormon 30-40 year old woman told this person the following describing herself (the woman said this statement): "I am like wine, I get better with age."

While this may hold true in some respects the type of man the woman wanted needed to have the following requirement:

  1. Money
  2. Wealth
  3. Big House

The issue comes about because the woman is viewing herself as a product.

Men who have this kind of money have the reputation of viewing women for only their beauty and add the requirement that they also want offspring.

A woman 30-40 years of age is considered a liability and a devalued product: Old crusty bread.

So the woman viewing herself as a prime product wine is trying to obtain the husband who views her as the opposite: dried up bread.

He will instead go for the fresh bread (18-19 year old). Use it to obtain what he desires and then discard them for the next source of supply.

Overall point, this is one of the results of church indoctrination towards women. The woman could be with someone who considers her like wine, but instead goes for the man who considers her to be crusty old bread.

/r/exmormon Thread