AITA for getting mad at my little brother for not playing with me?

YTA. You sound clingy, controlling, and almost like a bully. You screamed at your little brother because he didn’t want to play a game with you (because he was tired) and called him annoying and complained about how long he took to create his sim in the same post. It doesn’t seem like you’re nice to him at all/ don’t even like him. Not to mention, The Sims is the worst possible game I can even think of to play with someone else. It’s literally not a multiplayer game at all, so you suck for trying to force that. And why is it so important that you just have to play with someone else, especially if you’re gonna blow up on them or be annoyed when they don’t wanna do what you want or they take too long to play?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread