AITA for kicking my husband out of bed in the morning?

ESH. Personally I don’t see either of you as the asshole. I’m very similar by the sound of it to your husband. I need multiple alarms to actually wake up, it’s very difficult to pull me out of sleep. The first few alarms I never even remember, I don’t gain any sort of consciousness till at least the 3rd alarm. So I won’t wake up to one alarm and it definitely takes me a little while to snooze it.

My wife like you finds it annoying af, our situation does differ though in that she wakes up earlier than me so my alarm system doesn’t impact her sleep. She is just bothered that I’m so terrible at waking up and she sometimes needs to nudge me that I’m going to be late (which I super appreciate tbh) a solution that does work for me in terms of waking to one alarm is to setup the alarm in a spot I have I actually get out of bed to stop so that by time I’ve switched off the racket I’m already up and won’t just fall asleep again. However with a baby present this may not be a solution for you guys.

Essentially I definitely sympathise with your situation, I know people like me are annoying to deal with in terms of the wakeup routine but I can see your husbands side in that if he’s like me, when those alarms go off his brains not registering it’s time to get up.. only that he needs to stop that noise and once it’s stopped sleep can resume and for me at least it’s not a conscious thought process.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread