AITA for leaving town when I found out about my unborn son's death and not giving my STBX husband the chance to see him?

For a family law attorney I am sure having to spoon feed you more than I should have.

  1. Things were otherwise civil between the two parties. They were going to coparent so it could be assumed that things were gonna be pretty cookie cutter and easy to begin with

  2. OP has now made things complicated, things are no longer civil and easy. Because of her actions, things will be fought over more in court, he will push harder for things he wants because he is no longer worried about keeping the peace.

  3. Her actions and selfishness with be brought up in an attempt to gain sympathy from the judge to be more lenient on the husband WHETHER IT WORKS OR NOT.

  4. Whether or not it affects the case, OP will still have to endure hours of negotiation and time in court because of her actions. Her name will be dragged through the mud as much as possible, whereas she does not have the same type of ammo to harbor sympathy.

  5. Had she told the husband and allowed him to see his son, it might be argued that she would get more sympathy from having to endure this traumatic experience.

  6. Whether it affects anything in court, this is still going to affect her divorce in the sense that her husband will not be as agreeable as he once might have been, WHICH WAS MY ENTIRE POINT TO BEGIN WITH

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