AITA for letting a mother know I was grossed out?

Your most definitely the asshole. For the people out there claiming they can do it easily, you must be doing a shit job or your kid is the size of a peanut. As a parent pee isn’t really dirty at all. All it is, is wrapping up the diaper, throwing it out, and giving a small wipe down before putting on another diaper. It’s a 20-30sec process. If the baby shit itself, that’s an entirely different story, then yes I would agree your not the asshole. But to be insensitive to a family of five is extremely immature, considering I’m sure you guys could’ve moved the second a table cleared up if you are uncomfortable with the idea of a family, and a baby. Which news flash, babies have to be changed, it’s not that big of a deal, and washrooms are generally filthy places to bring a baby. Though I didn’t expect you to be okay with it, I’m sure when your a parent you’ll feel a little more okay with things like that.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread